Medieval Dublin VI

Seán Duffy, editor

Catalogue Price: €29.95
ISBN: 1-85182-885-0
Catalogue Price: €50.00
ISBN: 1-85182-884-2

March 2005. 256pp; ills.

Appreciation of John de Courcy
Patrick Wallace

Viking warrior burials in Dublin: is this the longphort?
Linzi Simpson

Beyond Valhalla: the conservation of a group of Viking grave-goods from Dublin
Cathy Daly

Old Dubliners and new Dubliners in Ireland and Britain: a Viking-age story
David Dunville

Development phases in Hiberno-Norse Dublin: a tale of two cities
Andrew Halpin

The Monasticon Hibernicum project: the diocese of Dublin
Ailbhe MacShamhráin

The guild merchant of Dublin
Elmar Eggerer

Archaeological excavation of the Anglo-Norman waterfront at Strand Street Great, Dublin
Claire Walsh

The city and the suburb: medieval Dublin and Oxmantown
Emer Purcell

Investigating living standards in medieval Dublin and its regions
Margaret Murphy & Michael Potterton