Dublin, 1745–1922

Hospitals, spectacle & vice

Gary A. Boyd

Hardback €40.50
Catalogue Price: €45.00
Limited Stock - only 2 Copies remaining
ISBN: 1-85182-960-1
April 2005. 240pp; ills.

Based on material from the Rotunda Hospital, the Lock (venereal) Hospital and the Hospital for Incurables, this book challenges the vision of 18th-century Dublin as an ideal Protestant city by investigating the hidden world behind its wide streets and Georgian facades.

This innovative book interprets architectural spaces in the light of the underlying tensions between 18th-century Dublin as a fashionable resort and the attempts by the authorities to deal with some of the results of its apparent profligacy. These include the creation of new institutions as well as other measures designed to remove ugly realities from the street and purify urban space.

Gary Boyd is a lecturer in architecture at University College Dublin.