My angel will go before you

Georges Huber; with an introduction by Cardinal Journet

Paperback €5.35
Catalogue Price: €5.95
ISBN: 0-906127-74-2
1979, 1983, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1995. 128pp.

'This book on angels, with an impressive introduction by the late Cardinal Charles Journet, addresses the ordinary person. It is not a theological treatise; it answers questions people are asking and does so in a very preactical way, using arguments from authority, the experiences of recent Popes, the teaching of Vatican II, the evidence of the Bible and the Liturgy, and the writings of saints and masters of the spiritual life', L'Osservatore Romano.

'The best book on the angels since Mortimer Adler's The Angels and Us. It maintains that angels do indeed exist, that they play an effective and subtle part in people's everyday life', Publishers Weekly.

'Georges Huber, a journalist, has put his material together skillfully, using but not over-using a substantial number of quotations from the Bible and the Fathers', Church Times.