Medieval Dublin XV

Proceedings of the Friends of Medieval Dublin Symposium 2013

Seán Duffy, editor

Catalogue Price: €29.95
ISBN: 978-1-84682-567-5
Catalogue Price: €50.00
ISBN: 978-1-84682-566-8

February 2016. 320pp; illustrations.

Archaeological excavations on Mount Gamble Hill: evidence for a new early medieval church in Swords?
Edmond O’Donovan

Swords and district: the political and ecclesiastical background, fifth to twelfth centuries
Ailbhe MacShamhráin

Óláfr Cúarán, Sigtryggr Silkbeard and the emergence of the Irish kingdom of Dublin
Craig Lyons

The church of Bearach, the grange of Baldoyle and the town of the dark stranger
Paul Duffy

Chivalry, Saracens and the chansons de geste of Brian Borus
Catherine Swift

Housing in early Anglo-Norman Dublin: evidence from an excavation at Back Lane
Claire Walsh

The archbishop and citizens of Dublin during Hugh de Lacy’s Irish rebellion, 1223–4
Daniel J.F. Brown

A fourteenth-century historical compilation from St Mary’s Cistercian abbey, Dublin
Bernard Meehan

Dublin and the Scottish threat, 1315–18
James Lydon

Urban Elite: the county and civic elite of later medieval Dublin
Brian Coleman

Everyday violence in medieval Dublin
Dianne Hall