St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 1875–2000

A history

James Kelly

Hardback €49.50
Catalogue Price: €55.00
Out of Stock
ISBN: 978-1-84682-009-0
May 2006. 288pp.

St Patrick's College is one of the oldest third-level educational institutions in Ireland. From virtually its inception (in 1875), the College acquired a unique place in modern Ireland as the main educator of male primary teachers. Long run on behalf of the diocese of Dublin by priests of the Vincentian Order in the manner of a lay seminary, the opening up of the College to day and female students in the 1960s combined with an ambitious programme of reconstruction and the expansion of the teaching programme from a diploma to a degree transformed the institution. Further important changes have flowed from the conclusion of a linkage agreement with Dublin City University in 1993, and have enabled it to remain one of the most influential educational bodies in modern Ireland. As the alma mater of generations of teachers, St Patrick's offers a mirror to Irish society over a period of a century and a quarter. This volume provides a history of the institution and the locality with which it is identified. Written mainly by members of staff of the College, it provides a revealing account of the background, origins, development and expansion of the College.