Politics and political culture in Ireland from Restoration to Union, 1660-1800

Essays in honour of Jacqueline R. Hill

Raymond Gillespie, James Kelly & Mary Ann Lyons, editors

Hardback €49.50
Catalogue Price: €55.00
ISBN: 978-1-84682-974-1
March 2022. 224pp. Illustrated.

Jacqueline R. Hill and the study of history in Ireland: a career of dedication and achievement
Vincent Comerford and Bernadette Cunningham

Introduction: Dublin and beyond
Raymond Gillespie, James Kelly and Mary Ann Lyons

‘The receiver-general is not in cash to pay …’: the financial travails of Dublin Corporation, 1690–1760 – causes, actions and political impact
Brendan Twomey

The politics of pageantry: the participation of Dublin guilds in public-facing ceremonial and celebratory events, 1660–c.1770
Mary Ann Lyons

Civic unity and the problem of urban poverty: a case study of St Audoen’s parish, Dublin, 1655–1700
Colm Lennon

The death of Mark Quin: identity, culture and politics in late seventeenth-century Dublin
Raymond Gillespie

Dublin in an ‘era of improvement’: the public and the growth of the eighteenth-century city
James Kelly

‘Idle castle building airy schemes’: John Black III and the ‘improvement’ of eighteenth-century Belfast
Jonathan Jeffrey Wright

Presbyterians and Jacobites in County Antrim in 1716: the interplay of local and national politics in early eighteenth-century Ireland
D.W. Hayton

‘The common opinion of the town’: rumour and rancour in provincial Ireland, 1758
Toby Barnard

Jacqueline R. Hill List of Publications to 2021