‘In their variety, these essays indicate how very new is serious analysis of the Irish country house and how many avenues remain to be explored’, Irish Times. …
This book argues that Nathaniel Clements was an enlightened patron of architecture, not a practising architect, and that he influenced upper-class residential d…
Until the 20th century, the world of architecture and building was considered a male domain, but long before this, women of the landed class in Ireland were des…
The book places Dublin at the centre of a discussion about the significance of the historic urban landscape. Bringing together experts in art history, architect…
This richly illustrated book brings together ten essays by experts in the fields of architecture, history, archaeology and art history, each throwing light on a…
This comprehensively illustrated book charts the exceptional impact that a small group of land surveyors had on the development of Dublin city during the eighte…
Dunluce Castle, dramatically positioned on cliffs that plunge straight into the sea, was for centuries at the centre of a maritime lordship encompassing north U…
This book, commissioned as an action of the Dublin City Heritage Plan, opens with an historical introduction to eighteenth and nineteenth century banking, begin…
Blarney Castle, the medieval home of the MacCarthy lords of Muskerry, is one of Ireland’s best-known castles. Many visitors to Ireland include a trip to the cas…
In the 18th century Dublin grew spectacularly; in the last quarter of a century, understanding of that growth has increased enormously. This book brings togethe…
Over the last twenty years, the redevelopment of the docklands has radically altered the physical fabric and social structure of a large part of Dublin City bot…
Dublin's Georgian squares are 18th-century architectural gems and this is the first publication to examine each of them in detail. Essays by conservation archit…