Ulster-New Zealand migration and cultural transfers

Brad Patterson

Hardback €54.00
Catalogue Price: €60.00
This title is currently only available for US deliveries
ISBN: 1-85182-957-1
June 2005. 256pp.

Irish Protestant tradition in colonial New Zealand
Alasdair Galbraith

How Ulster was New Zealand?
Malcolm Campbell

How Ulster was the West Coast?
Lyndon Fraser

Who were the Ulster immigrants?
Jock Phillips

Ulster Protestant letter writers in New Zealand
Angela McCarthy

Katikati: the historiography
Brad Patterson

Fitzgibbon Louch
Shirley Arabin

Rutherford Waddell
Sean Brosnahan

History of Orangeism in New Zealand
Rory Sweetman

Orangeism in Canterbury
Patrick Coleman

Was there a hidden 'Orange mark' on the New Zealand labour movement?
Melanie Nolan

Ulster folk in the colonial economy
Jim McAloon

John Martin
Roberta McIntyre

An Irish sportsman in New Zealand and elsewhere
Neal Garnham

Auckland's Carbuncle Jack and Mr Punch of Canterbury
Edmund Bohan

John Balance
Brian Easton

W.F. Massey and Ireland
James Watson