St Patrick's College, Drumcondra, 1875–2000

A history

James Kelly

Hardback €49.50
Catalogue Price: €55.00
Out of Stock
ISBN: 978-1-84682-009-0
May 2006. 288pp.

'… diverse, entertaining and densely informative. Local historians everywhere (and Drumcondriacs such as myself) will find a mine of information', Dr Mary Shine Thompson, In Touch.

'St Patrick's College Drumcondra offers the reader an insightful, thorough, and appreciative account of an institution which has been associated with teacher training for well over a century. The College has had a turbulent and chequered history and the various contributors to the book furnish the reader with many examples of the economic, social, cultural, and political forces at work during its existence … This collection of articles is an extremely interesting and impressive wide-ranging selection, where there is rigorous scholarship that is communicated in a very readable manner. The book sets St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra in an historical perspective where religion and sociological shifts played a crucial role in its development as one of the premier colleges in these islands. It should adorn the shelves of teachers, College graduates, historians, and policy-makers’, Tony Lyons, Studia Hibernica (October 2008).