Ireland in the nineteenth century

Regional identity

Leon Litvack & Glenn Hooper, editors

Hardback €54.00
Catalogue Price: €60.00
This title is currently only available for US deliveries
ISBN: 1-85182-478-2
June 2000. 224pp.

The desire of the West:The Aran Islands and Irish identity in Grania
Jacqueline Belanger

Edgeworth and Wordsworth: plain unvarnished tales
Frances Botkin

Edgeworth, Wilde and Joyce: reading Irish regionalism through 'the cracked lookingglass' of a servant's art
Brian Caraher

The pursuit of signs: searching for Ireland after the Union
Glenn Hooper

Exhibiting Ireland, 1851–53: colonial mimicry in London, Cork and Dublin
Leon Litvack

'Ireland and the Hour': paternalism and nationality in Standish James O'Grady's Toryism and the Tory Democracy
Michael McAteer

The regional administration of a central legal policy
Richard McMahon

The papish minister: Shan Bullock, John Haughton Steele, and the literary portrayal of the 19th-century clergyman
Patrick Maume

The politics of landscape and region in 19th-century poetry
Sean Ryder

Imagining Ireland in the Great Exhibition of 1853
A. Jamie Saris

Region vs. nation: 19th-century 'Germany' as a mirror for Irish regional/national politics
Eva Maria Stöter

Charting culture in the Dublin University Magazine
Elizabeth Tilley

Writing Ireland: reading England
Kevin Whelan