Prophecy and kingship in Adomnán's 'Life of Saint Columba'

Michael J. Enright

Hardback €49.50
Catalogue Price: €55.00
ISBN: 978-1-84682-382-4
May 2013. 202pp.

‘This publication is a welcome contribution to the study of Irish hagiography since it highlights well the complexity of issues that could be addressed in what may look at the outset as mere miracle-stories. The author’s approach of reading the kingship and prophecy episodes as a series constructed with a conscious strategy and theological vision reveals new depths in Adomnán’s work and highlights the importance of taking the theological sophistication of many hagiographical works seriously. By weaving the episodes into the overall pattern of biblical typology, he is furthermore able to explain some overlooked or puzzling details’, Katja Ritari, Óenach: FMRSI reviews (2014).

‘Adomnán’s Life of Saint Columba has been a text of deep interest for Michael J. Enright for many years, and a full exposition of his views on the Life is thoroughly welcome’, T.M. Charles-Edwards, Catholic Historical Review (2014).